Your Trademark

Each trademark application requires including an image of your mark. It is important that this image is clear and completely accurate as this image is uploaded into the USPTO database as well as being printed on the Official Gazette and your registration certificate.

Example of a mark

There are two types of drawings in trademarks, the standard character and special form. Broader protection is found with the standard character and can only be used when your mark consists of words, letters and/or numbers. No design element and only common punctuation, Roman or Arabic numerals and Latin letters and words may be used.

A chart of acceptable standard characters may be found at

The second type of mark is a special form drawing, which may include a design or logo, with or without wording. If a particular style or color is an aspect of the design, this should be specifically claimed in your application in order to ensure accuracy and a color drawing should be submitted. With the color drawing a “color claim” listing the color or colors and a statement that the color or colors is a feature of the mark as well as a statement describing the mark and where the color or colors is on the mark must be submitted.

When preparing the application and the drawing of your mark, long term goals and potential uses for the mark should all be taken into consideration in order to ensure the appropriate amount of protection.

Please contact our firm ( with questions and visit our website at for additional information on the process.