Notice of your Trademark

Providing Notice of your Trademark

Notice of your trademark is crucial and while not mandatory or required, it is necessary to publicly advise that you are claiming a trademark and provide evidence of your rights to the mark in a case of infringement.  

A symbol is used to identify and claim your trademark.  The type of symbol used depends on whether your mark is registered or not. 

If your mark has been properly registered, a federal statutory trademark registration notice consists of a symbol Ⓡ, or a short caption noting registration has been completed (“Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office” or “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.”)

A mark that has not been registered is still able to claim common law trademark rights.  Notice should be attached to marks, a trademark, “TM” for goods and a service mark, “SM” to identify the source of services. 

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